Aalto Code of Conduct - Trainings for the community 

Aalto University provides training for employees on Code of Conduct and values, on equality, diversity and inclusion as well as on cyber security and data protection. These trainings are available for employees in Workday Learning.    

Code of Conduct   

Information Security and Data Protection   

Cyber Security   

Understanding and tackling unconscious bias 

Aalto Research Services - Training Videos and Key links for Researchers


As a new person at Aalto, how do I meet other researchers who are studying the same phenomena as I am? Platform services for partners | Aalto University 

Where do I find information on current funding calls and help with the funding applications? Research funding and project management | Aalto University 

When do I need ethical evaluation? Research Ethics Committee | Aalto University 

What services are suitable for secure or sensitive personal research data? IT Services for Research | Aalto University 

Where do I find information resources and data that I could reuse in my research, or do I have to start collecting data from a scratch? Find research data/software — Aalto University's research portal, Aalto Datahub, Find licensed information resources – Aalto-Primo  

Who could help to makes sense of my research data and code? Data Agents | Aalto University, Research Software Engineers | Aalto University 

Where do I find a respectable publication venue that allows me to publish open access  without costs to me/my research group/department? Open Access Publishing | Aalto University 

Programme Management Services at Aalto - Explore the tools and resources

Handbook - Programme director's handbook | Aalto University

Report Tool - Using data of teaching and studying for programme development | Aalto University

Annual Clock - Programme Director’s Annual Clock in service platform: description and user guide | Aalto University

Onboarding Material - Introduction to degree programme director onboarding | Oppiminen - Workday (myworkday.com)

Educational Leadership Forum - Educational Leadership Forum | Aalto University

International Aalto - Explore the links and resources

International mobility of our staff index | Aalto University 

Guide for International Researchers and Their Families (office.com) 

HEI LIFE Spouse Network for Greater Helsinki | Aalto University 
